
Kitsap Piano Lessons

Piano Instructors Policies, Guidelines, & Details

Kitsap Piano Lessons policies & guidelines are listed below. If you have any questions about any of the information, please let me know by e-mail.

Payment Schedule for Private Piano Instruction

Lessons are charged by eight weeks of lessons. Payments should be made the first week of each eight lessons. No-shows and cancellations will still be charged unless I receive at least 24 hours notice. I do not do make-up lessons for no-shows. Cancelled lessons may be made up if there are times available. Exceptions may be made for emergencies or planned vacations. E-mail me for lesson rates.

Music Lesson Cancellations

Please call and let me know if you must cancel a lesson for ANY reason. If I have to cancel a lesson for sickness or emergency, we will try to do a make-up lesson. If that is not possible, I will refund you for that lesson. If you need to miss a lesson and do not call me within 24 hours of the lesson there will be no make-up lesson and no refund given. If you cancel within 24 hours of the lesson, we will find a time to do a make-up lesson. Please remember that too many lesson cancellations may result in poor progress. Improvement greatly depends on consistent piano instruction and practice.

Practice Expectations

Students are required to practice at home between lessons. Daily practice is vital to musical progress. The recommended amount of practice time will be discussed with the student depending on their age and skill level. For tips on how to encourage practice, check out the Practice Guide. For tips on effective ways to practice, visit the How To Practice page.

Parental Involvement at Lessons

Parents may stay to observe piano lessons or leave if they prefer. Siblings are welcome as long as they aren’t disruptive to the piano lesson. Siblings and friends must be accompanied by an adult during piano lessons.

Questions or Problems Concerning Piano Instruction

Please let me know if you or your child have any problems or questions about your child’s private lessons. You can e-mail anytime and I will be happy to help you. I realize it can be frustrating for parents who have never played an instrument to answer their child’s music questions at home. If any problems should arise, I am willing to modify lesson plans and practice schedules, etc. based on each families needs. By sharing your concerns, I will be better equipped to make piano lessons a positive experience for both you and your child.

Now Offering

  • North Kitsap County

  • Piano Instruction

  • Private piano instruction for children, kids.

Contact Information

Piano Instructor Email:

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Musical Quotes

“Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable.”
— Leonard Bernstein

“Without music life would be a mistake.”
— Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche